Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Unique chocolate Java-Europe

In shopping malls, chocolate or mint chocolate easily found with the brand overseas, particularly Europe. Want to get with home-made? go only special chocolate shop in Jakarta and Bandung. For example, the kitchen Cokelat have 3 outlets in Jakarta, which presents the chocolate in the special DC's Fashion.

Another of Kotagede, Yogyakarta. Industry appeared to have the home that make chocolate taste with the tongue mix Java and Europe. Scarcity taste answered by Indonesia Cokelat Monggo with different taste. Packaging, there is a very traditional to create a romantic moment special.

When the chocolate factory production comes with modern design, various colors, or fotomodel, then Cokelat Monggo appear jadul but unique. Packaging center Cokelat Monggo image symbols customary Java. For example, the Borobudur, pedicab, carriage, and Semar (wayang figures). While the form of the modern design is perfect for a romantic Valentine's Day.

According to Production Manager Cokelat Monggo Thierry Detournay, taste products recipes blend European and Java. Accidental origin men who marry women Belgian origin Solo, Central Java, it's been cooked in the chef's famous chocolate in the country.

In addition to dark chocolate, which is one type of Cokelat Monggo with the pure chocolate taste, is also produced various kinds of taste, such as a sense of ginger, citrus, or a combination of ginger-nuts. Chocolate ginger, for example, if bitten, initially sweet and bitter. But not surprised, suddenly it's mixed with sweet and warm. For, in the middle there is a piece ginger.

According to him, so that the ginger tasty and not too spicy, chocolate mixed before, first to be cooked in ginger candied ginger. "In the winter (rain), chocolate ginger is very good, because jahenya can spark," said Edward Riando P, Director Cokelat Monggo. Of raw material such as half-finished cocoa from Jakarta and Sulawesi. This is because there is not a process cocoa factory in Yogyakarta.

Chocolate Monggo zonder preservative. In fact, wrap its also use recycled paper. The goal is to convey the essential meaning of the environment. They avoid plastic packaging, unless extremely necessary.

In addition to a unique taste, Cokelat Monggo have the design team to captivate fans that chocolate is not bored. However, traditional pakemnya nuances. Currently, they average one month is able to process 2 tons of cocoa a half. 1000 packaging products per month.

The idea was the production of disappointment when Thierry is in Yogyakarta in 2001. Lecturer in French Literature at the UGM is difficult to find high quality chocolate. "Susah search for a quality chocolate, and it seems fitting the tongue," he said.

So, Thierry - berkemampuan chef chocolate - thinking why not make a chocolate with a quality number one - with a material that combines the number one European-prescription Java. Moreover, Indonesia the third largest producer of cocoa.

Thierry meet Edward and chocolate with a way to create brand cocoa Mania. But not routine, only on a certain momentum, such as Christmas, Easter, and Valentine. Then they tried to sell it to a number of shops and supermarkets in Yogyakarta. In fact they made up such as chocolate truffle received a small market, especially tourists. Began in 2005, they produce chocolate regularly in the flag down CV Anugerah Mulia.

The name "monggo" tercetus from Thierry impasse, Edo, and a friend. One of the ideas and said, "Monggo (please) course, his name is." Others also call each other. Finally, the word "monggo" brand so.

In addition to entire self-service is available in Yogyakarta, consumers can spend on the road in the manufacturer Dalem KG III/978, Purbayan, Kotagede, Yogyakarta. Where consumers can see the production process.

Marketing has to reach Bali, Semarang, and Solo. Also in the network Carrefour Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. In fact, according to Edward, orders often come to Singapore, Alaska, Australia, and European countries. However, because all the traditional, chocolate Monggo have not been able to export a large scale.

Relative prices matter more than the chocolate in general, namely Rp 20 thousand to 100 gram pack in Yogyakarta and Rp 28 thousand in Bali and Jakarta. The highest price with the special packaging of Rp 100 thousand. Well, now is not difficult with brisk February choice chocolate.

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